she's nikki, my dog nikki has gone. i still cant believe it. one min she's there breathing n gasping for life..n the next she' still. her body is motionless..rt there in front of my eyes. i know i know she was goin to go...n that its put an end to her misery. bt there's a diff b/w knowin n actually seein it with ur own eyes. i mean who am i gonna take care of now? who's gonna look up at me n wag her tail whn i come home? who m i gonna pat n tuck in at night? who's gonna b my constant companion who will provide me with love so pure n innocent and..unconditional? i feel something inside me has died..a part of me is cut off. i know i'll get over it..its just a matter of time. but i can never forget her, ever. n i think no other dog can replace her. no way! i dont think i'll ever b able to keep another dog. i just wont be the same. it isnt the same. i love u nikki..i'll always love you. may god bless u