Friday, June 24, 2011

I Long for Yesterday....

One of my favorites! Straight from the heart!

Thursday, June 02, 2011

The Year of Reunions

Living up the good old days is always a great idea! This is why I loved it when my BFF suggested to plan a reunion lunch with our graduation classmates - just the Journalism batch girls. Thanks to Facebook, we got in touch with most of our batch mates and were glad to see the responses pouring in. It was just a matter of a few days till we finalized the date and place. Finally when we met up we hugged each other like crazy, typical girls gone berserk! It was amazing to see how much we'd changed and where we'd ended up. Most of us were married, one was expecting - she looked gorgeous btw - and the others were full on career women! It was so great to catch up and talk of the silly things we did in college, updates on professors and stuff. It was hard to believe we were all meeting after 6 years. We could have spent the entire day chit chatting!

This reunion was such a success that I couldn't help but plan out one for my post grad classmates - this time in Mumbai. Got in touch with my batch coordinator at the time and have already started the initial planning. I'm thinking an overnight stay at a beach resort would be superb, provided we're able to book in time. I guess everyone loves the idea of reliving the good times so here also the reactions are crazy! Looking forward to this one now, I'm pretty sure it'll be grand!